Designing an Email template

Upon arrival at your subscription page readers can choose whether they want to receive HTML or Plain Text content from you. The “plain text” readers will receive your newsletter content in the form of plain text, meaning that their email will have no images, colors or working hyperlinks. Instead, they will be able to read […]

Digital marketing and social distancing

While more and more people turn to tech jobs, the majority worldwide still relies on jobs that require traveling to their workplace or their customers’ location. With the COVID-19 restrictions imposed by governments worldwide, this was practically impossible. Although, this unprecedented crisis led to some interesting changes for Q1 in many different areas. According to […]

Email Marketing VS Social Media

Among marketers has been long discussed around the impact and effectiveness of email marketing and social media posts in digital marketing. No, there is not a battle between these two but it is important to be able to tell the difference between them in order to build your marketing strategy. Email has been around for […]